
Monday, November 5, 2012

Happy 10 months Adriana

I do this every month since starting my blog. Today my baby girl Adriana turns 10months old!!! Shes beautiful than the last month (and smarter too!). With each passing day she learns more and lets that personality shine through

Some other things she's done so far is take a few steps! Although shes nervous to do it by herself she has made a few steps by herself without holding on to anything. Her eyes go really wide from excitement but looks to grab on to something...a leg, ledge, handle, anything or anyone! She will get there...slowly but she'll do it. I can't wait :) We have a giant backyard that she will be able to run around in when she gets a bit better - or when its covered in snow!
Adriana also - officially - has her first tooth! The darn thing took its time coming in with several wakeful nights, cries, clinging, grabbing, gnawing on everything. She made it through the first one and it really wasn't that bad!! They say the worse is the first tooth and the first molar, so far so good! She looks pretty darn cute with just the one tooth on the bottom. Chomper I call her lol
She also talks more with her tongue. Most words sound like gibberish - I actually understood more before!! But I'm sure she'll start forming more words soon. She tries to say Tyson and is pretty good at it I think! But MaMa :(

She will go back to the doctors December 2nd and we will know exactly how much she weighs and how tall she is. I can tell you that right now Little Missy is at 18mths clothes now and she's not supposed to grow much more in the next couple of months. With a little bit of guestimating....I ended up being right about what size to get her for Christmas! Awesome. I'm one step ahead of the game lol Canadian Thanksgiving has already passed and unfortunately we don't do much for Remembrance Day here so the next big holiday is Christmas! My favourite time of the year - and will be Adriana's first one :) This year is going to be extra special (but still sad). Even though its her first Christmas - its also the first one without Aunt Kim around to see it all. We plan to Skype for a bit so she gets to see everyone. Definitely better than nothing! We will still have other family around to celebrate and I want to make this one the best ever....for Adriana!

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