Sunday, March 31, 2013

Happy Easter Everyone

Hillside Mommy would like to wish each and everyone a Beautiful and Happy Easter 2013!!

Sunday, March 24, 2013

Easter, A new month, New changes, New everything

Easter is just a week away!! I'm pretty sure I'm more excited this year for the holidays than I was last year. It gets better and better!! Adriana is such a good sport for letting me wear Easter Bunny ears on her while waiting for the bus. She has an Easter basket this year too - filled with funny eggs and will have a beautiful spring dress from Mommy and Daddy. We could never forget her Aunt Kim and Uncle Tim in Australia. They are giving her a cute utility dress for our trip to Newfoundland in July. I even got a special Easter bag that we will give her each year with their least until they get back! :)

We have officially booked our trip - will be leaving July 27-August 3rd. It will be Adriana's first plane ride, first trip to NFLD, first for a lot of things. Wish me luck. Even though we will have my dad, uncle, Ian, aunt and uncle...its just Mommy and Adriana! I will have to do some shopping before we leave: such things as some clothes, running shoes, a carry on bag for Adriana (something she can pull herself with a few of my things in it!) and some gifts of course! I am really excited to go back "home"....its been awhile. I know my grandparents are super excited to finally meet her. The pictures we post on Facebook just don't do justice! See you in July Nan and Pop!!

April is just around the corner - this means its the boyfriends birthday soon. Last year I had a friend make him a 3D football helmet cake of his favourite team; Denver Broncos. This year he said he didn't care for another specialty cake but he has his heart on a few ideas. Of course I'm not going to post on here what they would just give it away, but I promise its going to be good!! I am sneaky sneaky and will make sure its a surprise. Again!

Adriana starts daycare tomorrow!! She went on Friday for an hour to play with the other kids. It was hard for us. We have never left her with someone we didn't know before - ever! We knew it would be hard but it was a must. I at least had work to preoccupy myself with for awhile - the boyfriend, not so much. He planned a haircut and then drove around for awhile. I wonder how a whole week is going to go for him? Love you baby.

Its spring time and that means its almost back to work for the boyfriend. Which also means more money coming in! My mind says SPEND SPEND SPEND! but my heart says SAVE SAVE SAVE. So to refocus my priorities, I've been working out some numbers and goals. Completely achievable goals at 2years and 5years. We have been renting for a few years now and sucks. We end up with crappy neighbours, housing problems, and other issues out of our control. So its decided - we're saving for a house. Nothing else matters to us more than having our own home. We have listed it as a 2year goal and decided some other things can wait for a little longer; like a wedding :) It was a hard decision but a home of our own was at the top of the list more than anything. So, here we go, saving a high amount in a short amount of time is our best option and will inevitably pay off. We have even looked at houses in Mississauga so we're still in the same city. I refuse to move out of the city...its just not for me. We know what we will get for what money and it will work for us. Its not a forever home - but it will be a starter - which is good enough for us now. I can't wait to see where we are in a few months!!

I really believe that things are starting to come together for us. We got off track for awhile, being young and having fun, but now we have a family and nothing is more important to us. We are a goal setting, money saving, fun loving family! I made sure to set goals that were planned out well enough that we really can't fail. If we stick with it and save accordingly (I even broke it down by week for the boyfriend and bi weekly for me so it falls with our pay days!). We will revisit the goals after 3mths to see where we are at and then again every 3mths after that too. It will keep us headed in the right direction :) Very exciting for us!!

How did you handle the first day of daycare?
How did you keep yourself occupied?
What new and exciting things are planned for your family?
Have you set a path for achieving these goals?

Friday, March 8, 2013

The Constant Change of Change

Well I've had quite a very eventful week and a bit!! I last wrote about the changes happening and it has actually changed AGAIN! You can never be fully prepared for anything. An opportunity came about that potentially could change our lives. It will open the door to other things to really get our life going...

I have been working for a few months since the end of my maternity leave. As much of a change that has been in itself, I have accepted a new position that offers all the bells and whistles....full time, permanent, benefits, more money, etc. As of Monday, I will be on my new adventure in the working world! I must say, starting a new job is fill with mixed emotions; excitement, fear, uneasiness, happiness, joy, overwhelming, etc.....But definitely something that I am looking forward to. I already had plans to start school again and I will in May - Supply Chain Management. I am excited about this program, considering all my experience in Transportation!

Adriana has been just a doll, of course! She was recently taught by (my) Uncle Gary to stick out her tongue - Rockstar styles! Its adorable but I've been warned that it may come back to bite me in the ass  butt. I will deal with that when the time comes lol She's been talking a lot more and we're trying to get her to start saying "Thanks". She has said it a few times and I'm confident she's dropped the 'H' a few of them too. She has been giving big hugs to this GIANT teddy bear, talking to him and poking his red nose. We put him in her crib last night and she fell asleep right next to him!! We think she has another tooth coming too! She has the constant drooling, but still a good appetite. Happy as can be like always!
Recently, I went to visit a friend of mine and Adriana came to play with her son. These two were together all summer and even so often we try to get together so they can play while we catch up! I really believe it was an isolated incident - Adriana is no bully - but it still freaked me out! The kids were playing in the living room while I was highlighting my friends hair by the kitchen table. Everything was going well, they were following each other, laughing, dancing, etc. Until we heard "Ahh ahhh ahhhh" from Hunter.... He was leaning into their ottoman that has a hinged cover and Adriana decided to close it on him - and press down, basically squishing him!! I freaked out and ran over to help him. Seriously....he's basically one of her only friends and she's trying to hurt him! Craziness I tell you....poor big guy. I felt so bad!! Erin....I'm sorry again!!

For the past month we have been trying different shellfish with Adriana. Clams, shrimp, scallops, etc. She loves them all and no reactions!! We want to keep her trying new foods and reentering those foods so she gets used to them. So far she's enjoying everything and has started to "dip" things. We give her ketchup with her nuggets, garlic sauce with her pizza, seafood sauce for her shrimp and scallops. Sometimes.....she prefers to eat the dips rather than her food but by the end the plate is cleared and she's full :) So we don't make a big deal that she tries to pick the ketchup up with her fingers lol

As my week has ended, I look forward to a great weekend of preparing my wardrobe for my new role - possibly adding some new items to go with my hot pink blazer ;) I look forward to family time. To a new beginning...

Wednesday, March 6, 2013

Welcome to Adriana Television

I have all these videos that I've been wanting to post and haven't been able to!

More to come.....