Sunday, May 12, 2013

Happy Mother's Day

To all my fellow Mommies (and Mr. Mommies too!) I would love to wish you all a Happy Mother's Day!! Whether you are a new mommy, old mommy, mommy to be, TTC mommy or a fur mommy....Today is your day!! The day where all women are shown appreciation for their daily efforts of keeping things together. We have a big job as Mommies and its nice to have a day we are acknowledged for those efforts. I'm shouting out to all the mommies but must give myself credit too! It's not easy being a first timer for anything.....especially a MOM! The amount of times I questioned myself, whether I was doing it right or not. I have to admit that I had to learn a lot when I became a mom. I had always dealt with babies, toddlers and kids but never newborns. It was as new to me just as any other mommy out there.
Admittedly, I read a lot on online and asked my mom questions. For the most part, it was straight forward but it is always different when its your own. My own little baby.

I feel proud of myself and would like to share that with all my readers! I have officially registered for my next College course :D just a few more and I finish the program!! Notice I didn`t say "I`m Done!".....because I`m not. I patted myself on the back for this today and I will continue to hold my head high until I get where I want to be. Rich, of course! LOL

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