Sunday, January 20, 2013

Date Night and More Teeth

We had our official first Date Night of the year last night. Nothing crazy just a quick bite to eat and a 3hr movie...without Adriana. My sister and her husband watched her for the night - poor them. Adriana has two teeth coming in at the same time (never happened before) and they come so slow that her fussiness lasts several days! They were still up for the challenge and it seems like it wasn't too bad for them either. Its also good practice with their dog, to have a baby around now to get her used to them. Then when they are ready for their own, their dog will be too!

Adriana has had a few rough days. Refusing to eat sometimes, refusing to nap, refusing to play...she's definitely teething again! But she's been a trooper from the beginning of this whole teeth thing and this is her first two-fer so I'd say - not bad little missy, not bad at all. I also noticed she has become more clingy to me than Daddy. Very strange. Its usually when she's tired or when her teeth bother her. Personally, I have no issue with but I know it sucks being the other parent. I know its just a phase, she will go back and forth between us several times before she picks her "favourite" and that is all about growing up I guess! She loves her Daddy, playing with him, watching movies, hanging out, etc. But since I'm at work all day, when I get home it all changes. She's never been one to cling to someone without reason - she's no sook that's for sure! But when she's tired, sick or teething she will. Understandably so.

Back to our Date Night. It was nice to finally step away together out in public! Although, as soon as we left I wanted to go back...I held it together! We even picked up a bottle of wine to drink after we got back from the movie :) We made it through one glass each and then yawned our face off until we gave in and said "lets go to bed". BAM! We made it to midnight. I was impressed considering we had been up since 7am - I worked and hadn't taken a nap! I was also impressed my boyfriend didn't fall asleep in the movie theater lol Believe it or not, this has happened several times and once we left because he couldn't stay awake! So overall, it was a good night; a much needed night even. This is happening at least once a month just like its been happening for the last year. Before Adriana, it was once a week lol Babies change everything....!

Do you have date night?
What are some things you do with your significant other?
How do you get back into the routine of Date Night, if you have fallen out of it?
Maybe your "Date Night" isn't necessarily without the kids but after they go to sleep. What sort of things do you and your partner do to enjoy each other?...lets stay out of the bedroom here people!

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