Monday, September 17, 2012

Happy Monday?

Why do most people hate Mondays? Well.....Today is the hardest day of the week and the furthest day from another weekend. Sorry if I just reminded you! But there are upsides to Mondays. No, seriously, there are!
Mondays give you a fresh start to the week. Its the only day of the week you can let go whatever issues you may have had last week. Its the only day, that despite being the end of the weekend, goes the fastest! Before you know it, you're at home sitting on the couch with a cup of tea and a good book.
I came across a funny article (although completely true!) about why people hate Mondays and how to avoid the drag first thing during the week. Yup - free advice right here people! According to The Age in Australia, scientists have proven that not sleeping in or having a lazy Saturday and Sunday, will inevitably make your Mondays easier. Basically, it sends your body clock all the way into left field - deep left! The study asked that the group go to bed a little later than they normally would on a weekday and sleep in two hours. The results actually found that people's body clock were delayed by 45mins. Craziness. Rethinking sleeping in....NOT.

However you feel about Mondays - its over. Now you can worry about disliking Tuesdays...then the rest of the week doesn't matter!!


  1. I think everyone hates a Monday if they get used to sleeping in and being lazy on weekends. I think it's worse when you're hungover!
    However, I never have this problem anymore because since I had the Little Mister, every day feels the same! I get up at the same time every day and I go to bed at roughly the same time every night! It's not as easy to break routines when you've got a little one so it's no skin off my nose anymore!

  2. I have no complaints about Mondays either! the baby keeps me on a schedule too :) Adriana is only 8mths old and sleeps probably more than most babies, so it gives me some extra time to catch some ZZzzzz. The joys of motherhood!!
