Sunday, September 8, 2013

Mommy Support

Sometimes a Mommy needs to know that she is not alone. She needs to feel like she has somewhere to turn to - or someone. Not everyone has their Mom or Dad to turn to. So where do you go? The times have changed and more people are turning to the internet. There's no shame in that!

I hope you find this post useful Fellow Mommies/Daddies!!

 This picture is truer than true. On those bad days, you might focus on the negative things like the number of diaper changes or the amount of spit up you have had to clean. You quickly forget those moments when you see your child smile, laugh, talk, etc....whatever it is - it keeps you going. You forget about those long nights of several feeds on only a few short hours of sleep. I kept my focus by repeatedly telling myself that this wasn't a forever thing. I made a point to get through all those feedings and get back to sleeping (oh! how important sleep is as a new mommy) Although I had the luxury of my boyfriend helping for the first 3 months, I was literally on my own from that point to when she was almost 11months old. His early mornings and late nights of work made it hard to see her but he was always there to put her into bed at night. Always.

It speaks for itself! I mean what other place would you rather be besides with your family? You may not get along with everyone all the time but when you need to feel accepted, relaxed, at "home", you turn to your family. Its a place that no matter what happens - They love you. I promised myself that I would always create the same open door and loving home that my parents created for me. They won't DO things for you but they will definitely help you get where you need to be. It was never easy living there but I wanted to grow up faster than my mom would let me! I will not hold Adriana back from something she wants to do although, just like any normal child, she will have boundaries. I believe in living to learn - its a harsh reality but sometimes its the best way to learn. I could tell her not to do something but if she really wants to do it, then there isn't much I can say.

This is a classic and definitely my favourite book every to read. Before Adriana was even born, the boyfriend and I made a point to get her some classic books to get her started. Every year we add to the collection of classics and make them accessible to her for reading whenever she wants. This particular book is a little higher up - its paperback - but every so often, I will take it down and read it to her. Just a few days ago, I was reading it and made it to the second last page before I broke out in tears. That's a new record!

I had a good chuckle when I read this! Always remember that those Mommies and Daddies who seem to be doing everything perfectly: well, they're not. They have bad days just like every other parent out there. Those are the moments of weakness and they don't share that with the public. Every parent wants other parents to think they are just the Super Mommy and/or Daddy of the Year! C'mon lets be realistic here; its just not possible. There are no ways to be PERFECT parent but there are a million ways to be a GOOD parent!

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