Sunday, September 15, 2013

Potty Training for Beginners

Adriana is at that age where she is very curious about the toilet. Not like "lets see how much toilet paper I can stuff in here" kinda way! She actually wants to use it. Up until a few weeks ago, she was the only kid at daycare who isn't potty trained (or being potty trained) and so she's been included in these trips to the bathroom. Her fascination has come home with her too. If I say "Mommy will be right back, I have to pee" she will take my hand and walk me to the bathroom. Since we have the same mechanics I let her stay in the bathroom with me. I talk her through things and then ask if she has to go as well. Of course she does. I strip her down so she doesn't get pee on her clothes and sit her on the toilet. Amazingly enough she goes!

Of course, a few times she tries but nothing happens. This is the reason we are not forcing it. We have bought her a seat (not a potty since she loves the toilet and its always convenient for her). The seat just sits on top the regular toilet seat but is smaller to hold up her little bummy. It's great to throw in a bag for visits at the grandparents house too! It was $12.88 at Walmart and of course covered in Disney Princesses. We let Adriana pick out her own seat. There was no intention of buying one just yet. We were actually looking for diapers and she pointed it out! Maybe a little later we can get her a potty :)

Our routine is simple right now until she can really tell me when she has to go. At daycare I know she tries a few times during the day - I will have to ask more questions about that. At home, we stick to after her shower. She has dinner, then her bath/shower and after we pat her dry we stick her on the toilet. Every night for a solid week she has gone 6 or the 7 times. Not bad.

We don't feel the need to push her into being potty trained. I was trained in one day and the boyfriend didn't need any training!! So with some good genes, I think she'll be okay for a little while. It is still fairly early to potty train - considering she still has a night time bottle.

Some ready signs to look for in your toddler are:
  • "dry" periods that last 2hrs (or nap time)
  • coordination to walk or even run
  • ability to pull their pants up or down
  • shows interest in other's bathroom habits
  • has words for urine and stool
  • can sit quietly for 2-5mins
  • demonstrates the desire for indepence
  • is in a cooperative stage - not cranky
  • isn't resistant to learning how to use the toilet
  • takes pride in his accomplishments
The average (suggested) age for potty training is 18-24mths, however, some parents chose to wait a bit longer. Note: boys may be ready a little later than girls. This is a big step in a toddler's life, so make sure they are prepared for it. Perhaps start with reading a book on going to the potty or a short movie about potty training. Get your toddler interested in the functions of the bathroom (specifically the toilet). Even if we don't pee, I let Adriana flush the toilet after a wipe. Its routine and she's not afraid of the flushing! She also remembers to put the lid down too.

A suggested method is a "Reward or Star Achievement", where the child gets a sticker when they go potty. I have not (and probably won't) use this method with Adriana. I make sure to give her enough praise when she goes. This includes lots of clapping, smiles, kisses and even hugs if necessary. I want her to realize that going potty is a normal thing - not a game.The stickers would just result in false hope for me that she's actually potty trained. We simply use praise!!

We are only in the beginning stages of potty training and by no means are we pushing it. She will do it when shes ready as long as she's prepared with the knowledge of How-to. I think we are on a great track with her and plan to keep doing it. My hope is by Christmas she will be full fledged potty trained. That may seem like a long time away - but it's really not!

And if all else fails, we can always just buy one of these.....

Share your potty stories with me! Comment below of email at
When was your toddler ready?
What tricks did you use?
How long did it take?
What would you change about that method?

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